Restructured Circles #1

Catalog number: 2011-003

MEDIUM: Art quilt

DESCRIPTION: This was the first composition that I did exploring the idea of creating circular gestures, cutting them apart, and reassembling them. The idea was interesting enough that from this piece I began a whole series of restructured circles. 

SIZE: 31 w X 32 h (inches)

MATERIALS: Acrylic felt batting, Cotton broadcloth

MEDIA: Fabric paint, Fiber reactive dye, Soy wax

TECHNIQUES: Direct application of dye/paint, Screen printing, Resist (wax/batik), Immersion dyeing (low water), Stitching (machine piecing), Stitching (machine quilting)


* 8/27/2012, Exhibition, Johns Hopkins University - Montgomery County Campus, Aug 27 - Oct 26, 2012

* 9/15/2011, Completed

STATUS: In artist's collection (NFS)