Restructured Circles #5

Catalog number: 2012-0005

DESCRIPTION: This piece is 5th in the Restructured Circles series and it's also the first of three pieces that are predominantly green. The choice of color was  somewhat intentional--I like green--but it was mostly the result of just playing with dye and ending up with several large pieces of green cloth. I committed myself to using as much of it as possible to complete these pieces. Having done that, it was interesting to see which bits of painted/printed cloth made their way into finished compositions and which didn't. 

SIZE: 33.5 w X 46 h (inches)

MATERIALS: Acrylic felt batting, Cotton broadcloth

MEDIA: Fabric paint, Fiber reactive dye, Soy wax

TECHNIQUES: Direct application of dye/paint, Screen printing, Stitching (machine piecing), Stitching (machine quilting), Resist (wax/batik)


8/30/2013, Exhibition, Moving in Circles: Art Quilts by Russ Little, Greenbelt Community Center Gallery, Aug 30 - Oct 11, 2013

8/27/2012, Exhibition, Johns Hopkins University - Montgomery County Campus, Aug 27 - Oct 26, 2012

7/30/2012, Completed